Using stuffed animals and building blocks build a zoo. Then give zoo tours. One child can be the zoo director/docent and another child or parent can be the zoo guest. The zoo director/docent gives the tour of the zoo and explains the animals’ age, behavior, and other characteristics. Don’t know a lot about the animals? Make it up or look it up online. Either way have fun with your new zoo!

Hello there, super article, I really enjoyed reading it. the post gave me the momentum to try my own blog.
Hi, I applaud your blog for informing people, very interesting article, keep up it coming
what a fun idea! I am going to fwd your blog to my kids in Alaska. Our grandkids were homeschooled for about 2 years, and have just started in the local Catholic school in Jan. Making a decision to as to how to best educate our children is difficult even with the best of economic times. With cutbacks at the school levels, it makes it even more important. Good luck and keep us posted as you move along this path!